New Album Release 7th March 2025



"Introducing Marcina Arnold" Available Band camp digital download

"Introducing Marcina Arnold" Available   Band camp digital download

Eperience Marcina's mesmerising lyrical prowess in "Introducing Marcina Arnold." Originally released on Counterpoint Records, this album showcases her biting lyricism on tracks like "Blues for Jean Charles Menezes" and the uplifting spiritual jazz-infused diamond "Forefathers." With every note, Marcina's musical prowess shines through, making this release a must-listen for anyone who appreciates thought-provoking and emotionally charged music. With photography & art design by Anya Arnold

Let's Connect

I am optimistic about the potential that connecting with you to explore the endless possibilities of music movement healing and artistic creativity. Drop me a note, and together, we'll explore the world of positive inspiration and creative expression.

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