New Album Release 7th March 2025



EP "Twisted Blue Folk - Available on Bandcamp

EP "Twisted Blue Folk - Available on Bandcamp

Immerse yourself in Marcina's musical muse with her debut EP, "Twisted Blue Folk." A startling classic in its groundbreaking cross of genre, this album boasts seven tracks that have left an indelible mark on the music scene. Each song is a masterpiece in its own right, and the EP's widespread recognition has earned it a place on compilation releases around the globe. Dive into a world of soulful storytelling and intricate melodies that define Marcina's unique sound. With photography & art design by Anya Arnold

Let's Connect

I am optimistic about the potential that connecting with you to explore the endless possibilities of music movement healing and artistic creativity. Drop me a note, and together, we'll explore the world of positive inspiration and creative expression.

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